The Knife

Two point five milliseconds ago a carrot and potato decided they needed a break from being chewed on, so they called their most trusted orange to see if she would babysit the uh "children". When the orange arrived the "children" were sitting in a grocery bag so the orange had to sit there. Later that night the orange wanted to watch TV but the house didn't have one, so she called the "parents" and asked if she could leave the children completely unattended so she could watch TV in someone elses house. The "parents" of course said that was fine, but she had one final request... she asked if she could cover up the butcher knife because it made her nervous. The "parents" said "No, why would a knife make you nervous you stupid idiot!?" The orange tried to complain but the "parents" ate the phone. When the carrot and potato returned, they found the "kids" and the orange were neatly sliced up into pieces. Then a giant being of deth and dooom walked in and ate the sliced up pieces... and the carrot and potato. No knife was found.
Parody of "The Statue"